Cotton Trading Company
Humility, Respect and Ethical, this is Faircot
You can rely on us to asset your mastering your risk even during stormy time
FAIRCOT SA is a cotton trading company created in 2015 and is based in Gland, Switzerland, a small town just 20 minutes outside of Geneva by car or train.
Between its Executive Management and its Board, Faircot SA has more than 125 years of cumulative experience in international cotton trading and merchandising.
Thanks to the management’s life-long experience in the cotton industry, strong reputational standing and vast international contacts, the company benefits from a robust network of suppliers, customers, agents and logistical companies.
The Company is represented in all major countries in Asia, Africa, Central Asia, South America and Europe, thanks to reliable and dedicated agents network who support our activities and development.
creation of the company
years of cumulative experience of our board
responsible commitment
About us
Activities & Services
Upon request, Faircot will be happy to provide tailor made and personalized service for their suppliers and customers in areas such as risk management, Yield enhancement and gin industrial audit.
The team has an experience of over 15 years in managing fixed assets in Africa, Central Asia, Australia and South America and can assist ginners in all areas of the business to enhance ginner’s profitability and optimize their net return.
We remain at your disposal should you have any specific need or request
We strongly believe that in today’s economic and social environment, with the climate change it is of paramount importance for the farmers to enhance their yields which will increase their net return.
In periods of low market prices and difficult market environment, better yields and lower cost of production is the only way to remain profitable in cotton production.
As a global player in the cotton industry , we at FAIRCOT S.A. are committed to making the world a better place. We support the efforts made by the world cotton community to reduce environmental impact of cotton production and improve livelihoods and economic development of the local rural population in cotton producing countries.
Such support will come through dialogue and engagement with our various suppliers and customers, and through the support of programs that share same ideal. It has been our company’s philosophy to pursue the achievement of these goals from day one.
We strongly believe in sustainable environmental practices, responsibility, and traceability and are members of BCI – Better Cotton Initiative – a group of like-minded companies, organizations and individuals, whose aim is to make global cotton production better for the people who produce it, better for the environment it grows in, better for the customers using cotton products and better for the industry and its future.
We are also members of CmiA – Cotton made in Africa.
Faircot SA actively takes part in the promotion of BCI and CmiA cotton
Thanks to its experience in sustainability projects, the Management will be happy to assist any new producers or organization to become members

Better Cotton Initiative
As a citizen of the world, we at FAIRCOT S.A. are committed to making the world a better place to live. We strongly support efforts by world cotton community to reduce the environmental impact of cotton production and improve livelihoods and economic development in cotton producing areas.
Such support will come through dialogue and engagement with our diverse portfolio of suppliers and customers, and also through the support of programs that share same idea. It is one of our company philosophies and we pursued achieving this goals from day one.
We are pleased to announce that we have now became a member of Better Cotton Initiative – a group of like-minded companies, organizations and individuals, whose aim is to make global cotton production better for the people who produce it, better for the environment it grows in, better for the customers using cotton products and better for the industry and its future.